AXA Seguros Mexico Acceso Cliente

AXA has offices in more than 50 cities in Mexico. Many are small with a maximum of three collaborators, while the largest one in Monterrey counts two hundred and ten employees. Our offices deal with our salesforce, are at the disposal of our customers, and are the base of our claims adjusters in the field.

In 2018, one of the commitments of the Executive Committee of AXA Mexico is to visit all our offices. This week, I had the pleasure to travel to Coatzacoalcos, a city in the southern part of the Gulf of Mexico in the State of Veracruz. AXA employs eight persons in Coatzacoalcos. I spent time with them, with our salesforce, with a large customer and at a body shop. The main worry everybody shared with me concerned the high level of insecurity in Coatzacoalcos. Unfortunately, the crime statistics confirm their message. AXA is committed to stay in cities like Coatzacoalcos, while taking the security issues of our employees and our customers very seriously. I was impressed by the energy and the optimism of the people I met during this visit and, once more, felt it motivates us to pursue our mission to better protect more Mexicans – also in this part of the country.