AXA Seguros Mexico Acceso Cliente

Recruiting tomorrow’s agents


AXA Mexico generates more than 50% of its premiums through its agent channel. In Mexico, agents are independent and, hence, function rather like brokers. The average age of our more than 8000 agents is 54 - in contrast to the Mexican population with an average of 32 years. Needless to say that we need to rejuvenate our salesforce. Earlier this year, we started an initiative to recruit agents aged between 22 and 36.

Our new millennial agents prospecting in the streets of Mexico City

The project Wöc In (Walking Over Challenges) is run entirely by millennials. So far, 15,000 e-mails were sent out, 40 candidates have undergone an assessment, and 6 have now been active agents for the past month. During this time, all sold between two and six Health and Life products. This is a promising start, but we are aware that there lies a lot of work ahead to convince Mexican millennials to become agents of AXA and to become successful in contributing to increase insurance penetration in Mexico.